Journal article
Environmental Research Letters, vol. 18(3), 2023 Mar, p. 035007
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Ray, S., Haqiqi, I., Hill, A. E., Taylor, J. E., & Hertel, T. W. (2023). Labor markets: A critical link between global-local shocks and their impact on agriculture. Environmental Research Letters, 18(3), 035007.
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Ray, Srabashi, Iman Haqiqi, Alexandra E Hill, J Edward Taylor, and Thomas W Hertel. “Labor Markets: A Critical Link between Global-Local Shocks and Their Impact on Agriculture.” Environmental Research Letters 18, no. 3 (March 2023): 035007.
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Ray, Srabashi, et al. “Labor Markets: A Critical Link between Global-Local Shocks and Their Impact on Agriculture.” Environmental Research Letters, vol. 18, no. 3, Mar. 2023, p. 035007.
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title = {Labor markets: A critical link between global-local shocks and their impact on agriculture},
year = {2023},
month = mar,
issue = {3},
journal = {Environmental Research Letters},
pages = {035007},
volume = {18},
author = {Ray, Srabashi and Haqiqi, Iman and Hill, Alexandra E and Taylor, J Edward and Hertel, Thomas W},
month_numeric = {3}